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Oct, 2017

Catch Them Being Good

Catch Them Being Good

A lot of great happenings this past week! Special shout out to Coach Alvin Wu, Yoon Chung, Navin Argulkar, Betsy White, Kathryn Gardella, Gerald Law, Coach Alejandra, and Coach Eric for their tremendous efforts. We would like to highlight their actions as follows:
"Coach Alvin is very helpful helping preparing the U10G" 
Thanks to Coach Alvin Wu for taking on several Board tasks as a new 6/8/10U Girls coordinator finding coaching and forming a team. In addition, Alvin has taken on the task of assisting Coach Orientations for 6U/5U, 8U, field repair for 8U, region communications, and a range of administrative tasks. 
Thanks to Yoon Chung for taking on the difficult task of forming teams and finding coaches for 8U boys.
Thanks to Navin Argulkar for getting 10U Boys going after a difficult start including navigating Blue Sombero and guiding new coachs and getting kids on teams.
Thanks to Betsy White for scheduling interlocking games for two age groups across multiple regions. A lot of this work requires a lot of manual labor to schedule games around field availability and multiple software systems. 
"Kathryn our coach called me personally to let us know the practice game was happening in 2 hours and would I be able to attend? We were free, so it worked out positively/"
Thanks to Kathryn Gardella for maintaining open communication between players, parents, and coaches, ensuring high transparency and cooperation in the team.
"Gerald Law (U10G2) was very helpful this past weekend at our game! He arrived early and helped set up the goals and also served as a line judge in addition to his duties as a field liner"
Thanks to Gerald Law for stepping up to help set up goals for the players and assist the center referees when ARs were unavailable.
"Last year, Coach Alejandra took care of our son before and after one of the games as we had an urgent family situation to deal with."
Thanks to Coach Alejandra for stepping up beyond her coaching role to caring for her players on a higher level. We greatly appreciate coaches like you for being in our organization.
Finally, special thanks to Coach Eric, whose "efforts to make AYSO64 the best experience FOR THE KIDS" are highly appreciated. His efforts in "smaller teams so [the kids] get more game time and practice builds confidence, which is the biggest hurdle for [the young players]." He is "awesome, dedicated, concerned, caring and awesome guy."
Assist us by sending us emails at [email protected] with reports of with a specific description of what the volunteer/player did that was good. 

AYSO Vision:To provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children’s lives.